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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação

Área do conteúdo

Coordination and Management

PPGCOM Coordination – Management 2023/2025


Coordinator: Prof. Gabriela Frota Reinaldo, PhD

PhD in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC-SP), with a FAPESP Scholarship, 1998-2002, professor at the Instituto de Cultura e Arte, Universidade Federal do Ceará (Institute of Culture and Art – Federal University of Ceará/ICA-UFC), and permanent faculty member of both the Graduate Program in Translation Studies (POET) and the Graduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM-UFC). She completed a split-site doctoral degree at Université de Paris (1998) and a senior postdoctoral visiting professorship at the Department of Art History, University of Cambridge (UK). She coordinates IMAGO – Laboratório de Estudos de Estética e Imagem ( Aesthetics and Image Studies Laboratory) (CNPq). Her research focuses on Semiotics, with an emphasis on Social Communication, particularly in areas such as Peircean Semiotics, Semiotics of Culture, Myth, Intersemiotic Translation, Literature, and the works of Vilém Flusser and João Guimarães Rosa. Contact: coordenacao.ppgcom@ufc.br.



Vice Coordinator: Prof. Silvia Helena Belmino Freitas, PhD

Undergraduate degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Ceará – UFC (1987), Master’s Degree in Business Management from the University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR (2000), and a PhD in Communication from the University of Brasília – UNB (2011). Currently an Associate Professor I at UFC, specializing in topics related to urban studies, consumption, advertising, and marketing. She leads the Image Research Group, focusing on consumption and urban experience in communication processes and products (GICEU), which is registered in the CNPq Research Group Directory. Contact: coordenacao.ppgcom@ufc.br.



Representative of Line 1 (Photography and Audiovisual): Prof. José Cláudio Siqueira Castanheira, PhD

PhD in Communication from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), with a doctoral internship at McGill University (Canada). Professor at the Department of Communication at UFF, and collaborating professor at PPGCOM-UFC. Leader of the GEIST Research Group (Images, Sounds, and Technologies Study Group) – CNPq. His research interests include digital culture, music, sound studies, and cinema. Contactjcscastanheira@gmail.com.



Representative of Line 2 (Media and Sociocultural Practices): Prof. Juliana Teixeira, PhD

PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia and in Communication Sciences from the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal). Master’s Degree in Journalism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and an undergraduate degree in Social Communication – Journalism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Post-doctoral research at the Federal University of Piauí, where she is currently a professor in the Department of Social Communication and in the Graduate Program in Social Communication. Collaborating professor at PPGCOM-UFC. She leads the Journalism, Innovation, and Equality (JOII) Research Group and is a member of the Communication, Political Economy, and Diversity Research Group (COMUM-UFPI). Her research focuses on audiovisual journalism, television journalism, cyberjournalism, and mobile devices. Contactteixeira.juliana.rj@gmail.com.




Registrar’s Office:

Alexandrina Cássia Ramalho Oliveira (Administrative Assistant)




Previous Administrations

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge de Lucena Lucas. Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Silvia Helena Belmino Freitas (2021 – 2023)

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