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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação

Área do conteúdo

Curricular structure

Master’s Degree

The program has a maximum duration of 24 months. Students must complete a total of 38 credits, distributed as follows: 22 credits in compulsory and elective courses; 1 credit in Foreign Language Proficiency; 1 credit for the qualifying examination; 4 credits for the Teaching Internship; 6 credits for the dissertation preparation and defense; and 4 credits for extracurricular activities. With the exception of compulsory courses, students may take electives from the program or other programs (with advisor approval), while adhering to the total credit requirements. Courses are offered every semester, and each course typically accounts for 4 credits, with each credit representing 16 theoretical hours (1 credit = 16 hours).


Doctoral Degree

This program has a maximum duration of 48 months. Students must complete a total of 60 credits, distributed as follows: 33 credits in compulsory and elective courses; 8 credits in Teaching Internship; 2 credits in Foreign Language Proficiency; 1 credit for the qualifying examination; 12 credits for the thesis preparation and defense, and 4 credits for extracurricular activities. As with the master’s degree, elective courses may be chosen from within the program or other programs (with advisor approval). Courses are typically offered each semester and are generally equivalent to 4 credits each, with 1 credit corresponding to 16 contact hours.

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