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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação

Área do conteúdo

Research Groups and Projects

Research Groups PPGCOM-UFC currently has 8 groups, including Research/Study/Investigation Laboratories, registered in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups and linked to professors’ research – which increased from 12 registered researches, in 2013, to 20 in 2019. The Research Groups and Laboratories are open to the public, but are essentially made up of Post-Graduate and Undergraduate students, mainly by PPGCOM-UFC students and students from the Institute of Culture and Art courses – especially Social Communication (Journalism and Publicity and Propaganda), from the Cinema and Audiovisual course, but eventually also by students of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Letters and Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, History and Sociology at UFC, which reinforces the integration of the Postgraduate with Graduation. These groups have been configured as spaces that go beyond the reading and critical reflection of scientific texts or the analysis and elaboration of research projects, monographs and master[s dissertations and their respective theoretical-methodological paradigms: they have also become spaces for experimentation methodological, academic and artistic event production, bibliographical production and, to a certain extent, fundraising for its own research activities and for other PPGCOM-UFC actions.

Research Centers

Line 01 – Photography and Audiovisual Arts

IMAGO – Laboratory of Aesthetics and Image Studies
LEEA – Audiovisual Experimentation Laboratory
OIIQ – Invisible Comic Research Workshop

Line 02 – Media and Sociocultural Practices

GICEU – Image, Consumption and Urban Experiences Research Group
GRIM – Childhood, Youth and Media Relation Research Group
GRUPPOCOM – Policy, Public Opinion and Communication Research Group Media, Culture and Politics


Telas – Research Laboratory in Economics, Technology and Communication PoliciesResearch Centers

Research project

Line 01 – Photography and Audiovisual Arts

The Scene in Contemporary Cinema (Prof. Sylvia Beatriz Bezerra Furtado)
Approximations, Distances. The Plan in Contemporary Cinema, a Political-Aesthetic Problem (Prof. Sylvia Beatriz Bezerra Furtado)
The faces of the face (Prof. Gabriela Frota Reinaldo)
The influences and approaches of the American western in the cangaço genre (Prof. Marcelo Dídimo Souza Vieira)
Communication theories from the perspective of Zen Buddhism or Zen Buddhism from the perspective of communication theories (Prof. Ricardo Jorge de Lucena Lucas)
From the visible to the unpresentable: notes on the new Brazilian photography (Prof. Osmar Gonçalves dos Reis Filho)
Humor in the Media (Prof. Marcio Acselrad)
Sensory Narratives: the logic of the sensitive in contemporary audiovisual (Prof. Osmar Gonçalves dos Reis Filho)
Time and space in factual comics (Prof. Ricardo Jorge de Lucena Lucas)

Intersemiotic translation: word and image (Professor Gabriela Frota Reinaldo)

Line 02 – Media and Sociocultural Practices

The consumption narratives of cities (Prof. Silvia Helena Belmino Freitas)
YouTuber children: ways of experiencing childhood in the media public spheres (Prof. Inês Silvia Vitorino Sampaio)
In search of the institutionalization never had: the construction of the national culture system (Prof. Alexandre Almeida Barbalho)
Formation, circulation and recruitment of elites from Ceará (1950-2020) (Prof. Alexandre Almeida Barbalho)
Cultural grammar and reception: a cross between political culture and mass genres in popular mobilization processes (Prof. Catarina Tereza Farias de Oliveira)
Media and Citizenship in Brazil (Prof. Márcia Vidal Nunes)
The visible and the invisible: appropriations of communication in the MST settlement (Prof. Catarina Tereza Farias de Oliveira)

Praxis in Journalism? Entrepreneurship and the Performance of Independent Groups on Digital Platforms (Prof. Edgard Patrício de Almeida Filho)
Propagation and repercussion of journalistic content on social networking sites (Prof. Diógenes Lycarião Barreto Sousa)
Educational radio in the scope of basic education (Prof. Edgard Patrício de Almeida Filho)
THE METHOD IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCES: a guide to practical epistemology (Prof. Maria Érica de Oliveira)


Closed projects

Graphic-visual languages ​​and their forms of narratological translation and adaptation: the literary work turning into comics (Prof. Ricardo Jorge de Lucena Lucas) (closed in 2018)
Benditos Penitentes: orality, performance and mass culture in the order of penitents of Barbalha (Prof. Antônio Wellington de Oliveira Júnior) (teacher and project currently linked to
PPG Artes-UFC)
Creative Cities or Commodity Cities? A study on the application of the concepts in the host cities of sporting mega-events – Barcelona, ​​Athens, London and Rio de Janeiro. (Prof. Silvia
Helena Belmino Freitas)
Putting things in another order: the symbolic production of the Landless Rural Workers Movement – ​​MST (Prof. Alexandre Almeida Barbalho) (closed in 2016)
Communication and politics in the era of digital social networks: factors that influence the ways in which Brazilian congressmen use the internet (Prof. Francisco Paulo Jamil Almeida
Marques) (professor currently linked to UFPR)
FROM THE CLASS… or about aesthetic-scientific deterritorializations in contemporary hybrids of communication, education and art (Prof. Antônio Wellington de Oliveira Júnior)
(teacher and project currently linked to PPG Artes-UFC)
Contemporary Photography: Between poetics and politics (Prof. Silas José de Paula) (retired professor)
Globo News X Mídia Ninja: the role of the media in exercising citizenship in the 2013 demonstrations in Brazil (Prof. Márcia Vidal Nunes)
Insurgent Images: photography and urban experience in Ceará (Prof. Osmar Gonçalves dos Reis Filho) (closed in 2014)
Young people from Ceará and media consumption in times of convergence (Professor Inês Silvia Vitorino Sampaio) (closed in 2016)
Media and youth sociability in the contemporary city (Prof. Alexandre Almeida Barbalho) (closed in 2017)
Modulations of the double: death in contemporary cinema (Prof. Henrique Codato)
Journalism as a mirror of journalism: what political image does the Brazilian Press construct
of itself? (Prof. Francisco Paulo Jamil Almeida Marques) (professor currently linked to UFPR)
Advertising for Children in Times of Convergence (Prof. Inês Silvia Vitorino Sampaio)
TIC Kids Online Brazil-Portugal (Prof. Inês Silvia Vitorino Sampaio) (closed in 2016)
Western & Cangaço: the Transformations and Approximations between Cinematographic Genres from the 2000s onwards (Prof. Marcelo Dídimo Souza Vieira) (closed in 2017)
Visual motifs in cinema: reshaping looks to rebuild meanings (Prof. Henrique Codato)


Tradução: Thiago Henrique, aluno do mestrado PPGCOM UFC.

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